Mosquito Management | Waynes
  1. Mosquito protection

Mosquito Plus

Keep your lawn free of mosquitos, fleas, and ticks

Nothing ruins good family fun like mosquitos. They are a buzzing and biting bother that carries disease. When you add fleas and ticks to the mix, you have a reviled trio of biting pests that has plagued humanity for millennia. 

But not at your house! Create your happy place by eliminating mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks with Waynes Mosquito Plus.


Mosquitos-free for Friends and Staff

In the south, most of us grew up catching lightning bugs and playing tag on hot summer nights. But nothing brought these good times to an end like mosquitoes. Many of our parents and grandparents tried to protect us with everything from bug zappers to "Deep Woods" bug repellent, but bug bites on our legs, arms, and faces were a fact of life. Meanwhile, pets were exposed to heartworms and other mosquito-borne illnesses. 

But not anymore. Waynes Mosquito Plus offers protection our parents and grandparents only dreamed about. 

Houses across the south have decks and patios that go unused because of mosquito misery. But with Waynes Mosquito Plus, your family can enjoy a barbeque in the backyard without worrying you will become the meal. Waynes ensures a positive outdoor experience by using environmentally-safe prevention methods to kill mosquitos to protect your friends and loved ones.

Fast-Acting, Long-Term Coverage, and Exceptional Customer Service!

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Farewell to Fleas and Ticks

Along with mosquitoes, fleas and ticks are common vectors for disease for pets and people. Waynes Mosquito Plus protection includes a comprehensive program that safely and effectively eliminates fleas and ticks from your property. 

Flea and tick problems are often discovered indoors, but they begin outdoors. Ticks carry Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and the last thing your business needs is questions about whether a customer or employee caught one of these diseases on your property. 

With Waynes Mosquito Plus, you demonstrate commitment to safety by preventing mosquito, flea, and tick problems on your property.

Over 60,000 homeowners trust Waynes to protect their home and family.

Create Your Happy Place

Families turn to Waynes when they need help creating their happy place. SMARTPest for homes prevents roaches, rodents, and more. Termite protection secures your house, while Mosquito Plus eliminates mosquitos, fleas, and ticks from your property. Waynes EnviroLawn service ensures your lawn is barefoot good, and free of fire ants and other lawn destroying insects.

Questions & Comments

If you have questions about our services, plans, and pricing or just want to say hello, we are here for you. Call or fill out the form to communicate by email.

Call 1-866-929-6371